Monday, September 27, 2010
Baglady's ASAP pledge programme
It's amazing what kids can achieve when given the right resources and inspiration. Last week, I wrote about an amazing lady who is trying to change the lives of children and their families on a dumpsite in South Africa. This week, it's the turn of another fabulous woman, from just over the water in Northern Ireland, who's working with schools and politicians to help create a sustainable future for all.
The lady I'm talking about is none other than Baglady, aka broadcaster Shirley Lewis, whose action-provoking ASAP pledge programme not only inspires kids to adopt sustainable choices but encourages adults to take the lead too. Pledge ASAP was launched earlier this year and is going from strength-to-strength, with round 2 starting very soon.
Have a look at the video below to see the effects of the pledge programme in Northern Ireland, and when you're done it, would be great if you could consider adding your pledge, no matter where you are. Just visit, where you will find out how you can make a difference.
I took my pledge in the summer too. To "read all about it" pop over to my fairly new blog at, where I'll be keeping you up-to-date with my various attempts at living ASAP in the almost average household! My poor husband. I bet he can't wait to find out what's in store for him this time.
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