I feel I must apologise for my absence over the last few days. I'd been so looking forward to tucking into some tasty British food and blogging about my discoveries, but by Tuesday I was all struck down with a nasty cold. Then my appetite skedaddled and my tastebuds followed suit, all disappearing into a big black hole.
Hardly being able to speak today I was home alone feeling sorry for myself, coughing with one breath and then sneezing with the other, when suddenly I heard a rat-tat-tat at the door.
And what a surprise!
It was my lovely friendly postman making a naked delivery.
Now, stop your rude thoughts.
Granted, the Royal Mail might make a few extra bob if they did strip-o-grams, but then again....
I can reassure you that our friendly postie was most definitely suitably dressed in all the right clobber, but he was holding before him a naked flower.
Of course, I had to to grab my camera to snap it before saying thank you and closing the door.
The felt flower, which was all pink and fuzzy, had been sent to me by Henry and Jayne, home of a beautiful range of hand made gifts. It was part of an experiment to see what would happen to flowers sent in the post without any packaging whatsoever, focusing on ways to reduce unecessary packaging. You can read more about their experiment here.
Well the great news is, the flower has arrived in one piece, completely intact with no damage at all.
Just perfect.
It even had an address tag made from a recycled Christmas card.
So thank you to Liz at Henry and Jayne for letting me take part in this wonderful experiment. I am now a joyful owner of a beautiful flower that's taking pride of place in my dining room.
And as for the postie, well he says, it's the most beautiful naked delivery he has ever made.
I promise to be back soon with further news of my local gastronomic adventures, as well as some other exciting news that has made my day even more exciting. For now though, I'm afraid I have to go and sneeze.
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