So it's the beginning of National Zero Waste Week, which has been officially launched over at myzerowaste.com.
And what's my top tip for anyone taking part this week?
Get a smaller rubbish bin of course!
At least that's what I discovered when I did my first Zero Waste challenge eighteen months ago. Switching from my 50 litre Brabantia to a very small dustbin helped tremendously.
So for National Zero Waste Week, there's a new bin on the scene. The one you see above.
Of course, the challenge will be to keep it empty and the good news is that at the end of Day One it still is.
Which is a blimmin' good job because when the bin man came to collect today's waste I noticed his refuse truck had shrunk too!
It's amazing what can happen when you have a vision for Zero Waste. Let's hope the rest of the week goes just as swimmingly.

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