So forgive my momentary lapse of celebration as well as my now very loud 'whoop-whoop'!
5 years! Blimmin' 'eck!
Back then, I didn't think I'd still be blogging about rubbish even a few months later, let alone five years on. And as for the amount of rubbish I've avoided and the money saved, that's worth celebrating in itself.
So, thank you to ALL who have inspired me and to everyone who has taken steps to make a positive difference to help reduce the amount of waste our society generates.
I hope this is going to be a very exciting year in the world of bin-slimming and as I turned over the calendar this year, I realised that for the first year ever The Rubbish Diet is actually now bigger than this blog, developing a life of its own out there in the big wide world, like a small child that you wave off to school for the very first time.
Following hot on the heels of the first Rubbish Diet Shropshire trial, which took place last year, it feels appropriate that today, of all days, Wiltshire Wildlife Trust launches its own Rubbish Diet challenge, engaging 15 households in the process of slimming their bins over an eight week period, following the very same method that I took back in 2008.
I can't wait to find out how they all get on and I look forward to heading down to Wiltshire to help celebrate during their finale, a Zero Waste Week, which takes place in March.
And March will indeed be a hectic month in more ways than one. Not only is there a fair chance that you could see 'Yours Truly' making an appearance on The One Show, but I am also looking forward to representing the Zero Waste Alliance UK at an International Zero Waste Symposium, which takes place in San Francisco. I am, as you can probably guess, both nervous and excited!
And that's just March. Gawd knows what will happen during the rest of the year.... well, I have an inkling, but for now will just cross my fingers and wait, and burst into song only when necessary.
So, thank you all again for your inspiration, support and engagement. It's you that keeps me going as well as that HUGE pile of unnecessary waste!
I'm now looking forward to the next five years and encouraging even more people to join in and help tackle it together.
So good luck to everyone who takes up the challenge this year. I hope it goes well for all involved. It's really great to have even more people on board and I believe we can make a huge difference.
Now, I'm off to celebrate by dodging some snowballs and enjoying that sledge before the opportunity disappears... ah, such imagery!
For more information about the Wiltshire Wildlife Trust Rubbish Diet challenge, follow their project blog, which will feature all their latest updates. Also Wiltshire blogger, Jen, is joining the WWT challenge and you can follow her progress at Make Do and Mend Year. More news on Rubbish Diet Shropshire's project will be announced soon.
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