Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Rubbish Diet goes on virtual tour
After packing my virtual bags to eat my way around the county last week, I've had only a moment to air my laundry before setting off again, this time to set up camp at The Green Living Forum, where I am inviting members to join in The Rubbish Diet Challenge to slim their bins in just 8 weeks!
There will be opportunities for participants to discover what those recycling labels really mean and try out new ideas to reduce waste at home, work or in their communities, following an eight week slimming plan that culminates in a Zero Waste Week.
Members will be able to share ideas each week at the regular weigh-in sessions and hopefully have a giggle, while they're concentrating on slimming their waste.
So, if you'd like to join in too, whether it's to slim your bin or join in the debate, you are more than welcome to sign up to the forum and get ready for The Rubbish Diet Challenge, which starts on Monday 5th April.
For more details, just click on this link.
A note to moderators: If you'd like to book The Rubbish Diet Challenge for your forum too and get your members talking rubbish, just drop me a line at karen[at]therubbishdiet[dot]co[dot]uk.
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