I interrupt my usual ramblings to raise awareness of the Bloggers for Haiti fundraising page, which is responding to the Haiti earthquake by raising money to send Shelterboxes to help those affected by the disaster.
The fundraiser was started by blogger EnglishMum and several of her blogging friends. You can find more about the fundraising initiative at her latest post here: http://englishmum.com/2010/01/16/bloggers-for-haiti/
You might have already seen the shelterboxes highlighted on the news last week. They are distributed by UK based clarity Shelterbox, which responds very quickly to international disasters. And as I am sat in my very comfortable house, I can't help but be moved to tears when I think how much these boxes can help those who have lost their homes and who are not only fighting for survival but also overcoming the loss of loved ones. If you've ever been a student of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, there's no time like the present to realise how shelter is a luxury in itself.
So thank you for reading. If you are able to donate, it would be great if you could pop over to the justgiving page and if you have a blog and would like to do something to support those affected by Haiti, please consider blogging about it too.
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