I can't hide the fact that this Christmas I am really inspired by the amazing talent that exists out there, with people creating fabulous things out of stuff that would otherwise have been thrown away.
It all started last month, when I was invited to write a feature article for Recycle Now's Christmas Website and got a preview of the photo shown above, of their specially commissioned recycled cardboard Christmas tree.
My particular mission was to uncover a range of other awesome items made from recycled materials and everyday used objects such as pens, CDs and old cassettes. I'm sure you'll be as amazed as me by the range of really desirable objects that can now be found in shops and on the web. To see all my quirky finds, just click here.
So now I am well and truly hooked and I hope you will be too and will be just as excited to join in my Recycled Christmas Carnival to help spread the word about the growing trend for recycled gifts.
Whether it's something that you've made or bought yourself, have received from someone else or have even discovered on the Internet, I'd love you to write a blogpost about your finds. Then when it's done, send it to me for inclusion in my carnival post, which will be published here at The Rubbish Diet on Tuesday 15th December.
If you'd like to, you can use the following image as a header for your posts, which shows how recycled items have moved on from hippy appeal to stylish features of modern homes. You might recognise this as the finished recycled Christmas Tree prize for the competition that Recycle Now is running this Christmas. It would be great if you could spread the news about the competition on your blog too, either as a separate blogpost or as part of your carnival entry. You might even want to enter the competition yourself. See yesterday's blogpost for more information.

I am really excited about including your ideas and I can't wait to see what you'll find.
For the next few days I'll be away from the blog, getting prepared for my very own recycled Christmas and I might even enter our local council's Christmas wreath competition, but please send all carnival entries to me by Monday 14th December.
Simply email karen(at)therubbishdiet(dot)co(dot)uk or follow me on Twitter and send a DM to (@therubbishdiet).
Right, it's time to switch on the CD player and recycle some of those favourite Christmas tunes.
"T'is the season to be jolly...falalalalalalalala
Time to grab some twigs and holly....falalalalalalalala!"
Time to grab some twigs and holly....falalalalalalalala!"
Oh dear, I'm recycling the lyrics again! Someone stop me!
P.S. If you have a mo, I'd love to know what you think of the objects I found for the article. I think my favourite is the birdie coat hanger but it's a really tough choice.
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