Now I was going to have an early night and blog about this in the morning, but the news was far too exciting to keep to myself.
This afternoon I received a surprise phone call from Suffolk County Council, to let me know that they had nominated me for this year's CIWM Awards for the category Recycling Champion of the Year.
Of course I was chuffed to bits with the news, but my smile got much wider when Anna, the Waste Communications Manager, continued to tell me that I've also been shortlisted and will be put forward as a finalist to the judging panel, who will announce their decision at the Awards event on 11th November.
Now this is where I take a break and run around the sofa in wild excitement for the 10th time today before I adopt a more professional manner more in keeping with the event itself.
And with my serious hat on, I am really grateful for Suffolk County Council's nomination as well as the enthusiasm of all those I have worked with on various campaigns and projects, including waste professionals, local schools, refuse collectors, local councillors, blog supporters, bloggers and tweeters as well as all my friends and family who have turned over to the lighter side when it comes to rubbish.
But do you know the best bit about the awards ceremony?
It's not that it's at a posh hotel in London, or that it's being hosted by Dragons' Den investor Deborah Meaden, or even that the awards are made from recycled glass...
Well, okay I admit that's all impressive in itself, as is the opportunity to rub shoulders with waste professionals who are really making a difference to the environmental landscape.
However what I am getting very excited about is the chance to meet someone very special, who I've discovered today is also listed in the same category and will be attending the awards too. It's Sarah Blenkinsop, aka Compostwoman, our very busy blogging friend who can normally be found in The Compost Bin in Herefordshire.
So with me in my recycling bin and Sarah in her composter, I am sure we'll make an entertaining double-act on the day and should we accidentally drop anything on the floor no doubt Tipton Litter Watch, the other finalist in our category, will help us clean up our act.
So huge thanks again to Suffolk County Council. It was a wonderful surprise, which has made one particular member of the community very happy indeed.
The Chartered Institution of Wastes Management (CIWM), is the professional body which represents over 6,000 waste management professionals in the UK as well as overseas. The CIWM Awards for Environment Excellence are now in their third year and will be held at the Dorchester Hotel, London, on 11th November. The Recycling Champion of the Year award is intended to recognise the contribution of people or groups outside of the waste and resource management industry in encouraging public participation in managing resources and reducing or recycling waste.