Monday, April 23, 2012
My fantasy landfill bin: please vote for it!
I'm afraid I could resist no longer. Having admired the very pretty and funky designs that have been entered into Brabantia's 'Design your Bin' competition, I finally succumbed to submitting my own entry.
My urge to 'tell it like it is' in the world of pedal bin design led to a momentary lapse of 'what the hell' today and with a few flicks of the mousepad, my entry 'Off to Landfill' was live and kicking on the competition website, featuring a photo taken at Suffolk's Foxhall landfill site back in 2008.
I admit it's not the prettiest of designs. It's probably the most rubbish design you'd ever find on a bin, but then, literally that's the point. Cheeky I know, but it does tell the story of where rubbish ends up.
So, to all my waste-busting pals out there, if you've got a few minutes, I'd very much appreciate your vote. Just click here to go straight to my bin.
Although a panel of design judges get to pick the winner, the bin with the most votes gets the prize for the most popular design. So if that ever happens to this bin, I will be chuffed to bits.
Voting is open until 10 June 2012. Hopefully, you may even be inspired to enter your own waste-busting design.
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