Saturday, May 1, 2010

Submit a renewable idea to win £1000 and support the WWF

I love a clever and worthwhile social media campaign don't you? And the latest one to hit my radar is the Renewable Idea website that has just been launched by carton producer Tetra Pak and WWF, the environmental charity that you might also recognise as being the creator of the highly successful Earth Hour campaign.   WWF-UK is working to save the unique Russian Caucasus forests, habitats of rare and unique species, through developing and promoting sustainable forest management.

The aim of this new website is to raise the profile of the significance of buying products made from renewable resources and features a competition to encourage participation from the public.

WWF-UK's Forest & Trade Network manager, Julia Young commented:

"The Russian Caucasus boasts a unique mixture of species yet has a worrying lack of sustainable forest management. To date, WWF has undertaken limited work in the region, yet it is one of our priority habitats in Russia, so this competition will help generate vital funding for the start of work there. Tetra Pak has committed to support the growth of FSC forest management in critical forest habitats, and together we are aiming to raise awareness of the need to manage production of forests as renewable resources to provide economic, social and environmental benefits for the foreseeable future."

The campaign is supported by Naturalist and TV wildlife presenter, Steve Backshall, who sums it up in a nutshell.
"We've got just one planet, bursting with people - twice as many now as when my folks were kids.  We all use an incredible amount of stuff, and when we're done with it, it gets dumped.  Would anybody out there look forward to a future of vast overflowing landfills, oceans filled with floating plastic, desperate plans to bury trash or fire it into space?! Of course not. Well there is one simple phrase you can start off with. Renewability: the fourth R. Reduce, reuse, recycle, choose renewable... supporting Tetra Pak's campaign with WWF-UK is the perfect way to get started!"

So how can you get involved?

It's simple really.  When shopping, take a closer look at labels to see if the product you are buying is made from a renewable resource.  For example paper, wood, cotton and wool are all renewable so long as they are managed in a sustainable way.  Products that are made from these renewable materials include furniture, fences and out-buildings, books, building materials clothing and cartons.  A sample list of products featuring all sorts of categories can be found at

So it would be great if you could show your support in other ways too and help spread the word.

The Renewable Idea campaign is inviting you to submit your ideas that will help increase awareness of the importance of buying products made from renewable resources.  For each idea entered on the website Tetra Pak will donate £1 to the WWF-UK charity.

All ideas will be open to a public voting system and for each vote received Tetra Pak will also donate 10p.  The funds generated will support a project to help conserve the forest habitat of a number of rare species including the Persian leopard and other important conservation projects.

Also every fortnight, with every idea and vote, you have a chance of winning great prizes such as £100 worth of WWF shopping vouchers or a WWF adopt an animal adoption gift. At the end of the competition, the overall winner will have the chance to see their idea become a reality with an investment of up to £25,000, as well as winning £1,000 for themselves.

Well you won't be surprised that such news got me leaping out of bed this morning to submit an idea that I really hope could be turned into a reality.

And if you want to see what I've submitted, you can find it at:

Of course if you think it's a good un, it would be great if you could vote. And while you're there you could always add your own ideas too.  Even if you think it's half-baked, others might think it's a smasher!

So what are you waiting for?

Find your inner renewable energy and pop over to the site now!

More information can be found at  Twitter fans can follow latest updates from Facebook users can become a fan of the site at



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