"We're not swapping presents this year are we?" asked Mr A attempting to settle his nerves over whether he needed to buy me a gift for our wedding anniversary, which happens to be today.
Well, it's always worth checking your wife's expectations don't you think! He's a very wise husband indeed.
Anyway, to cut a long story short (which I know is a rarity around these parts), I declined the offer of a pressie on account of having enough sparkly things, lingerie and champagne to last me for a while longer .
And besides he's already "treated me" to my very first pair of reading glasses this week. And that wasn't cheap, neither was his loving acceptance that his old bird had finally reached "that age".
But don't worry, romance isn't quite dead yet - despite the ageing process kicking in - because yesterday I had a momentous brainwave and rang him to break the news.
"You know I said I didn't want anything for our anniversary" I mumbled, interrupting him during his lunchbreak.
"Yes?" he replied, in more of a questioning tone rather than one of confirmation.
"Well, I've changed my mind" I added, then proceeded to ramble on about how I'd like to make a small donation to
10:10, the organisation that is working its socks off to inspire individuals, businesses and public organisations to reduce their carbon emissions by 10% in 2010. Here are just a few of their supporters, lots of other ordinary folk down at the launch party in the summer.

"That's how I'd like to celebrate our anniversary, by pledging to commit to our future." I said.
Then came the silence. Surely that was what marriage was about anyway.
The donation may have seemed a random suggestion - just like the day he returned home from work earlier this month to my announcement that I'm to become a poppy seller. It has all probably left him wondering if I'm the same old girl that he married 11 years ago. Indeed I often wonder if I am indeed the same lass who you can see in the photo below.

But before I knew it, he'd agreed to my anniversary wish and a cheque is now winging its way to help produce supporter packs for people who want to raise awareness in their local communities.
But it's not just about donating money. It's also about taking action too. And I've been pondering this a lot over the last few weeks.
Okay, I know we've been doing our bit and reducing our carbon footprint quite significantly as far as recycling and reducing waste go, but I've wondered what else I can do and it's all becoming blindingly obvious, dare I say.
Now it might sound very 20th Century and 1950s housewife-ish, but I'm beginning to think it all revolves looking after my husband a lot better than I've been doing for the last few years or so.
Take this week, when he gently suggested that he should perhaps take home-made lunches to work...instead of partaking in the 8 mile round trip into town, or dropping into the nearest supermarket!
Yes, I know... I've never been efficient in that particular area.
Then there's the issue of organising our kitchen, so I can make better use of the little storage we have and minimise the shopping trips that
I have to make.
And of course, there's the perennial issue of the growing pile of pants.
If I wasn't such a hapless case of a housewife, I might just keep on top of the washing pile, which means he'd never again have to make an emergency trip to Marks and Spencer for a critical top up.
These are just some small changes that can make a huge difference.
So, I've a funny old feeling that today I may be renewing our marriage vows, which will go someway beyond for richer or poorer or in sickness and in health. It looks like I'm going to need an organisational overhaul.
Of course, if I'm going to do my bit for saving energy it will mean turning down the lights tonight and digging out the tea lights instead. I just need to find something to put them in.
Perhaps I could use some of those jam jars that I have been collecting for I don't know what?
The problem is, where the blimmin' 'eck did I put them?
Oh well, it looks like it's back to the kitchen for me for a good rummage in my disorganised cupboards...and while I'm there, I'll remember to wash those blimmin' pants.
So happy anniversary Mr A. Here's to clean pants, hot lunches and reducing emissions. I love you and thank you even more than ever for putting up with me x