Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Day 3: Thank you to Great Barton Beaver Scouts
I've just arrived back from our weekly Beaver Scout meeting, with over four bags of cartons. The colony sent letters out last week asking children to to join in the Recycle Week pledge and bring in their cartons And quite a few did, including one parent who normally recycles them every month at our local HWRC. I think she was pleased that this week I've saved her a trip.
As well as cartons, I even came away with a bag of mixed plastics recycling. By now I think they get the idea that I'm a tad keen.
It's no surprise though. In fact the Scout Movement is excellent at encouraging recycling amongst its youngsters and depending on each individual set-up, groups can often be found collecting mobile phones, aluminium cans and paper as part of their fundraising activities.
All those that get involved also now have the chance to earn the new Environment badge, which was launched earlier this year, to help scouts of all ages understand the impact of rubbish and litter on the community.
So I think that our visit to Beavers has fetched fantastic end to Day 3 of my Recycle Week pledge.
Day 3!
It already feels like a week, it's been so busy.
It's a good job I'm now off to relax and celebrate with some friends and a pizza.
Night night! See you tomorrow.
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